

Better understanding of : Life, Economy, Business & Civilizations cyclesEntropy has roots in old philosophies (China) & as well in the West (18th century e.g. Materialism philosophy). In scientific te ........

AI & Actor Network Theory (ANT)

The rapid growth of AI technology, including its impact on social networks, social connectivity & peoples’ interaction, resulted in a new area of research, studying its social impact, including on ind ........

Spending & Economic “De-Growth”…New Generation’s Role ?

Recently, several reports highlighted the term, “De-growth”, discussing its impact on global economy, a new phenomena, emerging amongst GenZs & Millennial generations. De-growth is caused by less appe ........

Adaptability & Human model

People wonder why dealing with life events vary from a person to another e.g. one may deal with a serious illness in a very sober, adapting and cool way while another may take a minor illness as serio ........

Digital Twining (DT) & Human Model

Simulation technology started in the 60’s & 70’s, with focus on steady state & dynamic simulators, using engineering equations to build them. They were used to design industrial processes, modify them ........

Effective Management by Understanding Group Behavior

Managing people is one of the most challenging tasks in life, whether needed part of doing business, sports, social activities, politics or others. It often results in a permacrisis for many managers. ........

Adaptability & Human model

People wonder why dealing with life events vary from a person to another e.g. one may deal with a serious illness in a very sober, adapting and cool way while another may take a minor illness as serio ........

Human Model Theory & Impact on Business Performance

In my book, Human Model, I addressed the impact of Human behavior, which is highly affected by technology evolution, on business, work and performance as the interaction within work environment and so ........

Entropy (simplified)…

Explaining Life, Economy & other ProcessesEntropy concept has roots in old philosophies (China) and as well in the West (18th century, Materialism in philosophy). In scientific terms, it is purely a t ........

Understand the serious impact of technology in reshaping society & family

Read Human Model book for more details, including the emerging virtual family, virtual society, Captology theory and impact on learning.Human Model explains it all.With the proliferation of technology ........

Human Relationships & Friction Theory

When two surfaces move against each other, they experience “friction”, a function of surface roughness(R) & hardness(H). Harder surfaces eat up into softer ones. If both are hard & rough, movement wil ........

Why you need to read the “Human Model” book ?

This book is unique in its approach and objective, as it is the first attempt to try to analyze, understand, and predict human and group behaviors using robust and well-defined quantitative engineerin ........

Understand the Serious Impact of Technology on Reshaping Society and Family

Read the Human Model book for more details, including the emerging virtual family, virtual society, Captology theory, and impact on learning.The Human Model explains it all.With the proliferation of t ........

The 6 Pillars of Happiness

Like most of you, I carried this question with me for decades, trying to find answer for it;What is happiness ? How can we achieve it ? Is it money ? Is it peace of mind ? Is it achievement? etc...In ........

Using SetPoint Theory to set your Progressive Objectives in Business & Life?

The closed loop control (CLC) or the feedback theory, are prominent theories in the system dynamics and industrial world. Since their inception, more than a century ago, they were used in billions of ........

Highly connected people & impact of “Collective Behavior” on Economies & Markets?

Over the years, I learnt that managing and understanding, markets, finance and economies, is real science, with complex modelling challenges. One of the first theories I learnt was the efficient vs in ........