The rapid growth of AI technology, including its impact on social networks, social connectivity & peoples’ interaction, resulted in a new area of research, studying its social impact, including on individuals, groups, societies and even families. In my book, Human Model, I addressed this issue in one full chapter, discussing possible use of AI and new technologies to build more robust and quantitative models of both, human and social behaviors.
Recently, the impact of AI and social networks, reinforced and accelerated by advancements in GPT & GenAI technology, fueled the impact of AI & social media, making the social impact much bigger, creating new social dynamics, never seen before. Sociology scientists have been studying social media impact on people, societies and families, in past two decades, using different approaches, mostly based on qualitative surveys, which are good but not so accurate. However, recently the academia started exploring the use of Actor Network Theory (ANT) to study the new social dynamics, caused by latest AI technologies. It is obvious that these technologies have altered the way people interact, engage and connect. The current wide use of web & social media supported by large, complex & global meshed-connectivity, lends itself to ANT theory, as an attractive case of research. Considering that AI & Social media started having negative impact on people, authorities started alluding to regulations, policies & laws to mitigate such unwanted effect. In ANT approach, people’s connectivity is represented within the network by nodes connected by links, while regulations are represented by actors (actants), which are agents or nodes within the network of relationships, emulating a resistance effect, to mitigate impact of normal network connectivities, on human rights, employment, environment, ethics etc. ANT concept was developed to be universal, allowing human & non human entities to be represented in the network.
ANT is a promising theory for applications, used to study and model modern technology’s negative impact, beside can model mitigation actions, so hopefully reducing negative impacts on society, family & people.
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