
Better understanding of : Life, Economy, Business & Civilizations cycles

Entropy has roots in old philosophies (China) & as well in the West (18th century e.g. Materialism philosophy). In scientific terms, it is purely a “thermodynamics” concept used in the design of industrial processes (embedded & imminent power causing processes inefficiency, waste & may lead to chaos, destruction or process transformation). Entropy is the degree of disorder & uncertainty in any process, be it, industrial, biological, social, political, economic etc. All universal processes are created with self organizing-control mechanism, to adapt to “changes” in surrounding environments (in system dynamics, called “Disturbances”), so their entropy stays at manageable levels (refer to my book,

Human Model (https://issamwadi.ampbk.com). Entropy causes losses & may generate self destructive forces, hence important in universal balancing forces & important to understand to foresee changes in the cycles of: economy, businesses, body & health, political & state, beside all other universal processes, over their life cycle & tine scales e.g. body & biology 6-10 decades, states & civilizations, decades to centuries, businesses, few years to few decades, space & planetary systems, millions to billions of light-years.

Why knowing this is important ?

because it helps to understand what is going around us, foresee upcoming changes, prepare for & mitigate it effectively.

Uncontrolled Entropy (Entropy tends to increase with time) may lead to chaos. For instance, the rise & decline of : civilizations, political systems, businesses & economies, are results of Entropy (explained by some philosophers using dialectical theory).

In industrial processes, inefficiency & some serious problems may be caused by Entropy. It helps respond to baseless arguments going against universal fundamentals e.g. future of economies & civilizations, stock markets, future of businesses etc. For instance, human body is a “highly random & complex system”, made of organs, tissues, cells, & processes, governed by perfect configuration &

interrelationships, involving over 100 trillion cells, which are unlikely to stay in good order for long without help (food, medication, life style, etc.), in spite ability to restore cells, will never be perfect, hence resulting in some imperfections, which increase with time until they adversely affect an important organ & lead to death. Same way it explains why all processes ultimately collapse or transform, such as: businesses, economies & civilizations. Every process has intrinsic destructive forces, working against it, growing with time until they destroy or transforms it.

When oil was discovered, more than 160 years ago, only its bright side was seen, ignoring entropy effect, hence abused its usage, today we see its adverse impacts on earth.

Remember Entropy when dealing with any challenge.



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