Understand the Serious Impact of Technology on Reshaping Society and Family

Read the Human Model book for more details, including the emerging virtual family, virtual society, Captology theory, and impact on learning.
The Human Model explains it all.
With the proliferation of technology at home, school, and work, virtuality is increasing rapidly, converting societies into virtual societies and families into virtual families. The Human Model book exposes the current serious and massive transformation, its causes, risks, and impact on new generations, on culture, and on economics and politics. Similarly, there will be a big impact on family structure, converting it from the conventional triangle of father, mother, and children into a virtual polygon with many sides and influential parties, most of which are virtual.
Virtual societies, though they bring some benefits, however at the same time, causing serious harm and damages to societies and families, due to their high virtuality, connectivity, and loss of emotional and physical connectivity. Technology in education. though have many benefits, however extensive remote education will bring some drawbacks, impacting the learning process plus affecting the development of social and emotional intelligence of students. Technology and high connectivity has also big impact on mass behavior, movements, and people's reactions, which, if out of control, may lead to riots, problems, chaos, and serious repercussions.
Understand how these are going to affect you and your family in the Human Model Book.

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