The 6 Pillars of Happiness

Like most of you, I carried this question with me for decades, trying to find answer for it;
What is happiness ? How can we achieve it ? Is it money ? Is it peace of mind ? Is it achievement? etc...
In my second book, Human Model, I spared one full chapter discussing happiness & my theory ; Life is a Zero Sum, which discusses the concept of happiness in a great depth.
In a nutshell, & without complicating the issue, after years of research, observing & analyzing, I concluded that happiness has 6 pillars, needed to live “a reasonably happy & balanced life (not instant joy only)”, as follows:

-Sufficiency ; as a prerequisite, everyone needs to fulfill his basic material & living needs e.g. food, education, healthcare, shelter etc.. enough to live a decent life.

-Helping; according to my “Zero Sum theory”, giving and helping others, especially needy people in all aspects of life, not only by giving money but also other types of help; counseling, advising, mentoring, teaching, treating, etc., important, not only to please others but also for you to be happy. I believe this pillar is the main tool and mean, to balance our “entire life-long material input/output”, to achieve its Zero Sum, progressively & until the end.

- Involved ; meaning involved in some kind of work, job, reading, business, action, voluntary work, charity, social activities, hobbies etc., on regular basis, even after retirement, aimed at occupying one’s free time in a useful & positive way (assuming he or she has free time). Of course best if such involvement is something which we like or have passion for.

-Purpose: it is important to always have a progressive and evolving purpose/s, trying to achieve. The same may change with time and by life phase. An important warning, that it is key, to select right purpose/s which serve your needs (not only material needs) & it should be within your capabilities as this may result in failure or frustration, if not. It should evolve with time, in type and level (Setpoint theory), otherwise & by natural laws “objective saturation” may be experienced, creating boredom and demotivation, if we stick to same objective/s (Setpoint) for long times.

-Stick to the 5 S Life Rules :
Stay progressive & focused, Stop regretting your past,
Stop overthinking future, live the moment well
Stop waiting others to make you happy,
Stay positive most of the time

-Sharing: social sharing & having people around us, whom we love & we are loved by, beside other people we are comfortable with (not necessarily friends), enjoying time; living, talking, traveling, eating, doing sports together, etc., is an important factor & key for happiness.
In summary, the 6 Happiness pillars are equally important and need to be fulfilled & balanced as much as possible, throughout our life journey ;
which are :
Sufficiency, Helping, Involved, Purpose, Sharing & 5 S rule.
Have a great & happy life.
#happiness #life
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