Adaptability & Human model

People wonder why dealing with life events vary from a person to another e.g. one may deal with a serious illness in a very sober, adapting and cool way while another may take a minor illness as serious, threatening and suffering way. Similarly other life’s events & challenges.
Why this big difference ?
Simply it is the model of each one of us. Each one of us has different steady state & dynamic models, like any other process or entity in the universe, having unique parameters and formulas such as process (steady state & dynamic models) in major industries, simulation models, OTS models, Digital Twins etc. However what characterized human model is its high complexity, the huge number of interactive parameters (internally & externally) involved in it, and its continuous evolution & development, hence the way it reacts to external disturbances is difficult to predict, build models for plus varies from one person to another. It is like any industrial process or system, biological system, even social or financial systems. Each has its own model with own parameters, similarly humans, in-spite their complex nature with huge number of interactive variables and parameters, including psychological, social, behavioral, biological, spiritual etc.
This unique model makes each person different in behaving and or reacting to external disturbances in life, such as events, illnesses, pressure at work, etc. The challenge as explained in the Human Model book, is to develop and reveal this model in a robust mathematical way, as done in other industrial processes, which is a huge challenge.
In my Human Model book, I discussed two approaches and high level concepts to approach this ultimate objective, one based on starting with small models for different human attributes e.g. behavioral, biological, etc. then over time try to aggregate these using certain technologies and the other proposed approach is by trying to build one big integrated model, using new technologies such as AI-ANN, BDA, GPT & mathematical & DT technologies. This may seem as a far fetched dream, however worth exploring, due to its myriad benefits even if the generated model will not be highly accurate.
In my book, I explain also how our different human models justify & explain the difference in material status of each one of us during our life cycle in life, respective material happiness patterns & life material balance in light of my theory, “Life is a Zero Sum”.

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